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Protect 30% of the ocean by 2030: Tell our leaders this must be done

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Urge world leaders to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030.

The ocean is in crisis. We’ve seen the beaches, coral reefs, and marine ecosystems of our childhoods become lifeless, littered, and unliveable. This is because only 2% of our oceans are protected.

Last month, global leaders from 196 countries met in Montreal at COP 15 to decide on the future for our ocean and planet. Over 200 countries signed onto an agreement to protect 30% of our ecosystems by 2030.

Naja Bertolt Jensen

While this is an amazing start, we need to hold our leaders accountable to their commitment. By signing on today, we can ensure they do so.

Ensuring a robust, highly-protected marine ecosystem will help protect endangered marine species, ensure that coastal communities maintain their livelihoods and cultural heritage, and provide resilience against climate change. We’ll share your commitment with these leaders, constantly reminding them what’s at stake.

Add your voice to ensure world leaders stay committed to protecting 30% of the ocean by 2030.

Angela Compagnone
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